Sunday, April 18, 2010

Paragraph 1 draft 1

This will be changed son but this is my first draft to my first paragraph.

   Since the beginning of humanity the question of death has tormented our species. Death is an idea that resounds across all age groups and ethnicities, so when a marketing genius decided to manipulate concept it was extremely easy for them to gain large amount of power and wealth. From this our entire civilization was formed; from the most mighty pope, to the poorest beggar, everyone was put into their place depending upon how well they, or their lineage could manipulate the concept of life after death. This order had been established for centuries when Dostoevsky started writing his classic novel the Brothers Karamazov. This idea of God, and how well people can conform to it, is shown as one of the principle of foundations of the novel, although it is never really given a stance. Instead Dostoevsky created characters with personalities of their own that would take each side of the argument, allowing the reader to decide with no implications from Dostoevsky himself. One of the principle characters for this foundational part of the book is Ivan Karamazov. During book 5 of the Brothers Karamazov “Con and Contra” Ivan makes argument that he can’t ACCEPT   the world that god has created.  Although he believes that God exists, he thinks that the fundamental bases of the church and humanity is flawed. Although Ivan makes valid arguments, they were only created in the hope that he could justify his own life. Ivan makes this magnificent argument against god not to in some way save humanity but rather because he is a Karamazov. Through a traumatic childhood, and a Karamazovian  curse Ivan has to justify why we thinks and acts the way he is, for this reason Ivan wrote the Grand inquisitor and made a stunning argument against god. 

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