Sunday, April 25, 2010

Archetypal Life

As I talked about in my last post I'm reading the novel Dune, and there a found an archetype that we didn't really ever talk about and I couldn't really find on the internet. What about the mystic group of protectors that are always trying to keep the system (whatever it may be, planet, town, culture) in balance. In Dune it is the Beni Jesorits, which have heighten sense of awareness that are almost turned into super human powers. This type of organization is almost in every story though. The Jedi, the order of the Phoenix, The elves in the LORT are some that I could think of off the top of my head. This is definitely an archetype, its everywhere I just can't find it any where. I did a little bit of research before writing this blog and did realize something as I was looking for archetypes and that is that every archetypal character is based off of some really character in the world. I mean in the list there was the beggar, the nun, the Diplomat, and all of these characters have district traits that everyone at least in western culture would know and understand. This makes me wonder do people become what they are because they fall into some archetypal category? If this is true our life is way more of a  story than I once thought, and know the stories and your place in them is a really powerful tool to possess. 

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