Friday, February 5, 2010

It's really hard to wade through all of the thoughts that i have to get to my earliest memory. I mean it's not something that I think about much but the clearest one I can think of was getting lost in a QFC (grocey store) with my grandma in Seattle. I was walking with here and she just disappeared, I seriously remember thinking that I was abandonded and began to cry. A clerk found me throwing my tauntrum in the middle of the esile got on the loud speaker and my grandma immideatly found me. After ward I was bought an inflatable ball. I'm not sure if i rember the feeling of abondment or the ball.
The other reason that this particular memory may stick out in my head is because I'm reading the Brothers Karamotsov and i think that may have forced me into a certain way of thinking. Each of the brothers were abonded and I could only really think of an abandment story so I'm pretty sure that tthis auther is coaxing me to thinking a certain way.

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