Monday, February 8, 2010

Absurd is the Word

I'm interested in why so many characters are so absurd in stories. I was thinking about it because Fydor Karamazov is so ridiculous to the elder while in council with him. It seems like he wants to offend him, but really Fydor always goes back and says that he just wants to make a fool of himself. My question is, is this a literary device to move the story along or is it just the way people actually are? I soon began to think about it in the terms of the literary soup that is trying to be cooked in our heads and i kind of came to realize that it seems like there is always an absurd person some where in every story. This person is normally extremely smart but so quirky that it is extremely hard for their gunnies to be noticed. Upon analyzing this further I have decided that this is how people are. the most interesting fun people that i have ever met are quirky. They try to make it so they're days are filled with more then just one monotonous moment after another and its takes a smart person to realize this. That is why there is always an absurd to character, to keep the reader involved. The thing is that being absurd in the real world is something I am attracted to but why is that these types of people are often frowned upon in daily life?

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