Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I'm really interested in what has changed so that our society has become so obsessed with protect our young from the evils in the world.  Yeah i agree that its important not o show a baby a violent sex tape, but I'm talking more about the censoring of our children's stories. As I was reading through some other blogs i kept on reading that the Grim version of Little Red Riding Hood is crude and violent, which granted it is, but this got me thinking that I have never heard this version of the story before I before i entered this class. Although Riding Hood gets into bed with her grandma, and a wolf is killed with an axe, is this too much for a young brain to handle. This train of thought also led me to thinking about Snow White and how Dr. Sexton said that it was one of the greatest films of all time. Why would disney quit not try to create another masterpiece? Economics, people didn't like Snow White because it scared their kids, but isn't that what in part a story is? Haven't we been learning that there is no story without conflict? This is why I have become so confused with where the world is going. If we become to correct to have a grandma jumping out of a wolf or a scary dragon in a movie, won't all of the stories just disappear? 

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