Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Tell a Story

Last night I was told to tell someone a story to help them fall asleep. Since there was no book on hand I just had to come up with something on the spot. In the beginning it was hard to be charismatic and make up characters and events that would be interesting enough to hold someone's attention. As the story went on though it began to flow easier and easier. Really i just started to think of Fydor Karamazov (My favorite character from the brothers K) and it became pretty easy to come up with different interesting situations and ideas as I was talking. I made it so the main character Sylvia would purposely make herself look like  moron to see how people would react to her. Eventually I had to end the story, so i figured the best way to do  was to blind Sylvia. She ended up saying the wrong thing to the wrong lady, who just happened to cast spell that sent Sylvia into eternal darkness. What I just wrote really has no meaning to any of you, because none of you were there, but what trying to get at is that once engrossed into a story i think its impossible to get away from these archetypal ideals. It's way to hard to try and come up with something original, and lame to try and steal someone else's story, so i just borrowed from other people. I think thats what all authors do though. This may be the point of this class. To teach us that everything is a story and that all stories are just part of one bigger story. I guess that our entire society is based off of some type of story. I don't really know, all that is obvious is that 99.99% of stories follow a form that anyone from the western culture will understand. If you don't believe me try and tell someone a story that you are making up on the spot. I guarantee that it will not be done without using some form of archetype... Or it could just be a terrible story.

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