Monday, March 29, 2010

Bad Day

The assignment for the class this weekend was to have a bad day, I tried my hand at this and failed miserably. I thought that if i did a bunch of really terrible thing that it would force me to have a really terrible day. First thing in the morning I woke up and temporarily broke up with my girlfriend, but when I did this she begged for my forgiveness over nothing. This proved that she actually does really like me and I guess it kind of made me feel better not worse about my self. Since I was unsuccessful in emotionally hurting myself I figured that the only way that I could have a super bad day was to physically scare myself. I don't have the guts to actually harm myself I tried to get another person to do it for me. I went into the street and tried to get hit by a car but they all just swerved around me. Then I tried to get someone to hit me in the face, but that didn't work either.
It was weird when I was trying to have all of these bad things happen to me only good results came out of it. For this reason I decide that I don't agree at all with the tragic since of life. I feel as though there are way more happy moments than sad ones. The only reason that sad ones are more prevalent in stories is because they always make for a better story. It would be terrible to hear a story about a great day, but it is amazing to hear a story Oedipus Rex killing his father and having relations with his mother. I feel as though the idea of the tragic since of life was created by someone that was just in a really hard time of there life. Even if life is terrible it is still vibrant rather than the monotony of blackness. Although in the end I'm going to be buried in a hole, and am probably never going to have any sensation again I am glad that I was at least given the chance to have sensation in the first place. Dying is alright, living at least at this point is better, but not witnessing the majesty of life at all is terrible.

P.S. I'm really jealous of Garret because he actually got to fulfil the assignment, and successfully scared himself.

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