Friday, March 26, 2010

In class the other day the was a discussion about how Alexi was not the hero of the Brothers K, because of his inability to be a dynamic character. He is the hero for this reason though, and I think that this is why Dysoski choose to say that he was the hero. The reason for this is because all of the other characters kind of take a life of their own. The other characters in the book are not interested in helping the reader get through the book, they are only interested in getting by on their task. I feel as though Alexi is there to keep the reader engaged, and that is why he does not really change. The reason that Alexi so pure is because he is the only character that the author could keep control of. Without Alexi the book would be like watching a reality TV show instead of reading a novel. It would be watching the lives of people going through dramatic events, instead of reading a novel with complex thoughts and idea hidden throughout the text. It is noted that most of the really important metaphysical conversations are related through Alexi not any of the other characters. If Alexi wasn't the pure lovable character the other characters wouldn't relate to him and so there would be no deeper meaning in the book. Alexi is the authors only control over the book while all of the others characters are going wild. Alexi forces the book to be more than just the abridged version that would be there for only the sake of finding out the mystery. This is why Alexi is the true hero of the book. 

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